"The Wall" section
This section is of the website deals with guest performances.  These usually are either people I've known or
performed with.  If you have some music material you'd like to submit to add to this page, please e-mail it to
me in MP3 audio file format to "alan@musicbyalan.com" and if I like it, I'll post it here for others to listen to.

Think of this as the community section of the website.  If you have any comments to submit to performances

here on the Wall or comments to discuss material or topics elsewhere in the site, please e-mail them to me
and I'll post them here.  Welcome to the Wall!
MP3 Files
1. Sherri L, a guest vocalist, & Alan on guitar perform "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benetar.  Recorded in
1999.  MP3 file format.  (1:04)
More samples coming soon!!!...
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